March 29, 2024

Use Alerts to Move a Vehicle Without a Tow truck

A crew member’s parked truck is blocking a delivery.

It needs to be moved – NOW – so the materials can be delivered. But no one knows whose truck it is.

How long would it take you to find the owner?

If the answer is more than “a minute,” you’ve got a problem. 

You could text… but do you have every crew member’s number loaded in your contacts?

You could call… but that could be hundreds of calls.

You could email… but is there really time for that?

The point is: none of these options gets your message out NOW — to everyone on the jobsite in a matter of seconds. 

That’s where MindForge comes in. Our app was developed specifically for construction crews and their site leaders to reach ten, twenty, even hundreds of crew members immediately — all with just a few easy taps. 

If you’re interested in how you can communicate with large groups more efficiently, track receipts, and level up their operations, take a closer look at MindForge here.

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