November 16, 2023

Top Safety Messages Jobsite Leaders Send to Their Crews

We analyzed one week of messages sent to jobsite crews using the MindForge app.

Safety was the most common topic. But what precisely did they talk about when it comes to safety? Let’s break it down. 

It’s no secret that safety is a top priority for construction job site leaders, including foremen and project managers. To reach their crews faster, managers are leaning on workplace communication devices to help reduce potential dangers. 

Our analysis of one week of on-site messages sent by supervisors via MindForge revealed that safety precautions and protocols topped the list of addressed subjects. 

“More and more site leaders are learning to take every opportunity to remind their field crews about prioritizing safety,“ says MindForge founder Stokes McIntyre. 

Here are their most common talking points:

Instructions for 100% tie-off on roofs

Falls from heights are one of the most common workplace hazards, so making sure your team is reminded of safety protocol is critical to mitigating disaster.

Details of safe entering and exiting of the site

Helping to make entering and exiting seamless will ensure all your moving parts run smoothly.

Reminders to heed particular stop signs

Abiding by stop signs is deathly essential, especially when they’re in a new or changing area.

Use of hot work permits

Because of the dangers involved with hot work, it’s critical that proper permits and procedures are adhered to.

Notice of power shutdowns due to maintenance or repair work

Making sure your team can plan properly is critical, especially when they need to rely on power to do their work.

Equipment and tool inspection procedures

It’s too easy for workers to skip inspections when they’re trying to get stuff done, so it’s vital to send reminders about proper procedures (and what can happen if they aren’t followed).

Introduction of new safety helmets

Times change, and so does our knowledge of best practices in PPE. It's up to leaders like you to encourage these changes.

Handling of sharp objects and tools; wearing protective gear

Frequently sharing lessons learned will help dissuade poor decisions made by those who often feel invincible.

The most common job-site messages keep safety front and center for everyone.

Learn more about how our customers use the MindForge app to get everyone on the same page about best practices.

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