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Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Types of Lifts and Their Hazards

15-20 Min
Closed Captioned

Whether you find yourself hanging siding on a construction site, changing light bulbs in a warehouse or performing outdoor utility work, aerial lifts can help you reach areas that would otherwise be almost impossible to get to. But before you work with an aerial lift, you need to know what types of lifts you will encounter and the hazards that are associated with each one.

MARCOM’s course on "Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Types of Lifts and Their Hazards" is the first of a of a two-part series that has been designed to meet OSHA's training requirements in their "Mobile Elevated Work Platforms" (MEWPs) standard. The course discusses different types of aerial lifts, the hazards that you can encounter when you're using an aerial lift and the safety standards that you must follow when you're working with or near an aerial lift.

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English & Spanish
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Mobile & Desktop